GDP Vendôme: the customized apartment could become an alternative to EHPADS?

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GDP Vendôme launched “Sully Villa”, a high-tech, intelligent flat that is fully-equipped with domotics and electronics, especially designed for elderly customers. Sully Villa flats are meant to be a luxury version of Ehpads (“Etablissement d’Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes” = establishments for dependent elder people), as it found its inspiration from private residences. Choosing this solution may actually be cheaper than joining a retirement home.

Villa Sully: “stay at home with a 24/7 medical assistance, for only €1,714 a month”

equiped flats for the elderly
©GDP Vendôme

According to a survey conducted by CNSA (Independent-Living Support French Fund) and DGCS (French General Directorate of Social Cohesion), in France, the average cost of living in an EHPAD residence is €2,892 by month. The price is calculated for a single, dependent elderly person.

On the other hand, Sully Villa proposes “home support flats”, usually located in city centres: the rent can be up to 30% cheaper than in an EHPADs (the price varies according to the dependence level).

Is Sully Villa a true alternative to the retirement home?

Depending on the additional services to which a person subscribes to, renting a Sully Villa apartment is likely to pay a sum between €1,344 and €1,714 a month.

These homes are fully equipped with the latest technological solutions and domotics, in order to prevent, help and accompany the resident when their autonomy decreases: “Sully Villa is in a continual process of evolution and it adapts to their residents’ state of autonomy and health condition.”

Sully Villa also proposes a caretaker service (that is available 24/7), home support, a medical centre and a restaurant.

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