Home automation

GDP Vendôme: the customized apartment could become an alternative to EHPADS?

GDP Vendôme launched “Sully Villa”, a high-tech, intelligent flat that is fully-equipped with domotics and electronics, especially designed for elderly customers. Sully Villa flats are meant to be a luxury version of Ehpads (“Etablissement d’Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes” = establishments for dependent elder people), as it found its inspiration from private residences. Choosing this solution may actually be cheaper than joining a retirement home. …

European Union: GiraffPlus project combines robotics and home automation to take care of the elderly

GiraffPlus is a European project that combines robotics and home automation to take care of the elderly. Giraff is an assistant robot for seniors and the project allows them to get home automation equipments.

The aim is to allow the elderly living at home to be able to communicate with family, friends or with health professionals. The device might be marketed at the end of 2015.

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